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Writer's pictureAneesha Mehta Sethi

May 2024 Forecast - The Reawakening

Shalom my tribe! Sorry for been missing last two months. I was very much here and much there :) Hope you are well geniuses! Hello Summer! Hello May! Hello to the Season of Closing Cycles!

Last few days have seen feeling intensity of emotions regarding our past hurts. We have been feeling it on the surface however, the difference is we have learnt how not to react to the way people have treated us in the past. I have been seeing this with most of you all and in the collective energies as well. The strongest message here is to keep away from the ones who are showing red flags.

Pluto goes retrograde from May 2- October 11, 2024. Don't be surprised if you are exposed to some secrets and shadow styles of certain close ones. The good thing here is people who have betrayed you are being revealed. Somehow, the betrayal energies are coming strong.

The emotional disturbances and frustrations are at play till May 8-9. A lot of money flow issues will be resolved by May 19. Get ready for an action packed month geniuses. The dense energies are definitely clearing. Finally and Oh! So finally, I can say things are taking a slightly better turn since 2023. It's time to set yourself away from the ennui.

The stagnant energies are dwindling away. Travel plans are on the horizon. Some of you may notice that you are undergoing dietary pattern changes. Our bodies are undergoing solar plexus upgrades that's leading to detoxing also. Feeling nauseous, over or under eating are needed to get the body into balance. Try following a self - care routine .

Something I am not a big fan of talking much about but these energies are strong this time. Those who have done negative energy work on others or tried spells or tried to protect themselves by harming others; are going to be facing some intense karma. Negative energies bounce back. That's why I always insist eschew negative and manipulated energy work. Dark shadows follow you. Light is the only way to move forward. Not much ado here. At times, it is what it is. After all, " The winner takes it all, the loser standing small."

May represents number 5 which in turns represents transformation and changes in spiritual levels. The five senses are opening up to their best nature merged with the five elements of nature. Whatever we learnt so far needs to be expanded and enhanced. We need to reopen to opening up again. Thus, universe is conspiring "The Reawakening" in our favor.

"With just a spark, we'll bring light into the dark." - The Reawakening

May 8 is the New Moon. Please bring your manifestations into play and create a road map for the next three months. That's why our bodies need to rest for the next week. May 23 is the Full Moon. Between May 25-28 you might feel energetically heavy. Please focus inwards, energies might try to play games. You are smarter than that in manoeuvring around now Geniuses!

All in all, a mixed bag month. A mix of cinnamon spices, some candy floss and a whole lot of angel dust.

Stay well!

Be the Light!


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